The aubergine. It haunts me.Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The aubergine. It haunts me.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

It's back.

The aubergine has reappeared in the veg box even though ..


Any old how. Nothing shall go to waste. Deep breath and it's time to tackle this bugbear of mine after this:

Time for moussaka which I've never made before. Some research earlier has unearthed various ways of doing it. I couldn't be bothered with making a béchamel today & didn't want to buy a jarred one. Cheese as a substitute. Here's my take on the Greek favourite then:

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Oven at 180C/160F/Gas 4


1 Onion sliced

2 Cloves of Garlic chopped

300g Minced Lamb

1 Aubergine sliced into rounds

200ml Lamb Stock

225g Ricotta

225g Soft Cheese

Thyme dried or fresh

First things first & the needy aubergine requires salting once sliced. Put into a colander over bowl for a couple of hours so that any excess water can drain

Heat some oil in a good sized frying pan

Pop the onions in & leave for 10 minutes before adding the garlic

Mince is next in to brown plus the thyme

In the meantime, heat some oil in a separate pan, drain the aubergine slices & add so that they can golden

The stock should now join the lamb mince

Mix the cheeses together with a little water

Layering time so first to the baking tray are half of the aubergine slices

Mince is next

Final layer of the aubergines

Cheese mix is the last to go on with some pepper to finish

Bake for 45 minutes

Some green beans as a partner on the plate.

I know this is far from a traditional moussaka & I'll aim to make one of those at some point. Today though, this is what I fancied on a wet & windy May evening.


Friends Reunion I - The One Where We Eat & Drink

Friends Reunion I - The One Where We Eat & Drink

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Post-Jab Carrot & Ginger Soup