Aubergine: “Look at me, look at me! I’m so handsome!” .. Hmm, looks can be deceptive.
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
A 'motley stew' ..
In our April podcast Robert laid down the challenge for me to embrace the aubergine. Oh. Why.
I think it is a needy, dull fruit but, once a gauntlet has been thrown down, etc ..
So the story goes the word originates from 1778, (Robert had just started school), & it does mean a motley stew.
In other words your pot receives any veggie things (mainly, though bacon can be added,) which are left hanging around & which need using up.
I researched various recipes.
1) You could cook the ingredients separately in a frying pan one by one & then place them in layers in a baking tray.
No, not for me this evening. I'm back from work & no time for that.
So ..
2) Fry everything in a pan before placing in the oven.
For two
Oven on 180C/160F/Gas 4
1 Onion peeled & sliced
2 Garlic Cloves sliced
1 Aubergine :-( sliced thickly
1 Courgette ditto
1 Green Pepper sliced
1 Red Chilli sliced thinly (seeds optional)
2 Tomatoes sliced thickly
3/4 Sprigs of Thyme
Gently warm some oil in an ovenproof frying pan
Sweat the onions for 10 minutes before adding the garlic
Aubergine slices go in next, try to get some colour on them (they need all the assistance they can get)
Courgette to be added
Tomatoes are next in together with the thyme
Plenty of seasoning
Bake for 35 to 40 minutes
Add the torn basil before popping onto the plate
I had mine with some cold roast chicken.
There's some leftover ratty (my name for it now) which I'll use with pasta tomorrow.
The aubergine still hasn't won me over.
Still, I've given Robert the challenge of doing something with radishes that's not salad-based.
Good luck everyone.