Birthday (Cheese) Cake

Birthday (Cheese) Cake

Photo © A Garland

Back from Belfast, there was a wee surprise gathering for Bestie's actual birthday.

The venue, where she believed it was just going to be a few of us instead of the throng which appeared, was a tavern in Hackney .. 

I can vouch for the pizza. Delicious. I got chatting to the barkeep after the aroma of baking pizzas reached me. He told me that what makes them so special is that the sourdough bases are made fresh every single day. The toppings were really interesting combinations as well. Fior di Latte, Salami, Pepperoni, House-Made Fennel Sausage, Fennel Seeds, Roasted Aubergine, Chilli Honey & ..


P I C K L E D  O N I O N S 

That was me sold. 

Anyway, I digress. Back to the 'cake' .. 

A cake of cheese. I volunteered to be Head Girl & sort out the celebration centrepiece. Bestie's favourite thing to eat is, well, cheese.

Once delivered to me I found myself with around 4.5kg of Le Fromage in the fridge. All British to be honest, not French.

So, here's what made the table at the pub .. 

Hartington Creamery in the Derbyshire Dales supply the Blue Stilton Cheese

Cheshire Cheese Company Waxed Black Bob Extra Mature Cheddar 

Hartington Baby Dovedale Cheese 

Cheshire Cheese Company Truffle & Black Pepper truckle.

Thanks must go to friends who brought fresh figs and rosemary to help decorate the four-tiered beauty.

There was such a lot of love in that pub for Bestie thanks to friends who'd travelled from far & wide to be part of her special celebration.

There was also an awful lot of love for the cheese in the corner.


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