Shell Fish Reasons
Photo © Rob Jones
A quick dash to Plymouth as an advance party heading to Falmouth for the year.
And anticipating the wonderful world of sea food opening up before my very eyes.
So… it’s odd. North Wales is surrounded by the sea, and yet .. you’d be hard pressed to find a fishmonger in Bangor (I think the one in Tesco closed ages ago) but there is a fabulous one down by Port Penryn.
You need to head to specialist restaurants, but even then you are shocked to find that the fishy ingredients of many meals are ‘bussed in’ from other parts of the UK and indeed the world to satisfy the apparently dwindling interest in seafood.
What on earth has got into us?
Anyhow … Plymouth certainly celebrates the sea. And I know most places in Cornwall and Devon do.
And I am so looking forward to that.
Gone - I hope - are the days of loitering in the fish section at the restaurant in North Wales, and looking at the massively over priced ‘fresh’ fish portions on offer.
When did we forget that we are an island????
There are fish everywhere?
Hoping to rediscover my love of fish over the next twelve months.
Sorry fish - I am coming to get you.