Naughty Pizza

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There are some days when, after a day at work & a tedious commute home, that I don't really feel like cooking.

Thankfully, these occasions are rare.

One episode occurred the other evening though after a tortuous train journey home due to engineering works where I was properly comforted by the on board announcements: "We apologise for any convenience, but, we will be returning you to London via Aberdeen. We hope it won't impact your journey .. Oh, & there's only one lavatory working & no buffet. If you're in First Class, well done you, however, the best we can offer is a bottle of water & a flaccid flapjack .." .. 

Absolutely not the fault of the courteous crew whatsoever & always important to be polite with those souls.

***B R E A T H E***

The train got in on time via a circuitous route. Stepped through my front door early in the evening. I'm hungry, I thought. 

Dirty pizza to be delivered?



I'll have a look though.



Hmm ..

It could be here in 15 minutes.


All you need is a slice & you could have another for a naughty breakfast tomorrow.


Since you ask .. Fior di Latte Mozzarella, fresh tomato & basil, anchovies (extra), garlic, (extra), wood-fired.

Once in a while .. you know ..

It's good to be bad.


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