Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, four or five, increasing six soon, rain or slight drizzle, good.

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, four or five, increasing six soon, rain or slight drizzle, good.

Photo © Rob Jones

So the Indian Summer soon came and went … and a day out in Penzance with a friend and very wet but happy dog means dodging the showers and finding a harbour in which to anchor for a few hours.

Then an interesting dilemma.

I love Sunday Roasts - don’t get me wrong. But these days I think I need to go into training in order to eat one. They are simply TOO BIG. But lovely all the same.

Since we’d already breakfasted heartily, there was a sullen glance at neighbouring tables at the bounty being served, but a general agreement (with one vote against from the Labrador) that we should opt for the Scampi and Chips instead.

Which was a good choice. Especially when it came to the price tag.

Photo © Rob Jones

…. though the irony of supposedly being in the ‘Sun Lounge’ was laughed off with good grace.

After a while we noticed that most of the diners were in fact local, and fishermen. Of course - where else would they be on a stormy day.

Needless to say a good afternoon was had by all.


Sunday Roast Beef

Sunday Roast Beef

Mixed Feelings

Mixed Feelings