Sunday Roast Beef

Sunday Roast Beef

Photo AM Minhall

It's been a busy couple of weekends socially-speaking & very enjoyable they've been too.

A special birthday celebration last Sunday & a Saturday family barbecue yesterday.

A BBQ in September. I know.

The weather was kind though & most of the outdoor cooking of Wild Boar (furious it was), Ribs & Chicken was well underway by the time we all arrived.

In front of me today is a restful Sunday with the first roast lunch of autumn.

Aberdeen Angus.

Here's what awaits.


Beef Joint

Ratte Potatoes

Fresh Broad Beans

Cheesy Leeks & Broccoli

I'm excited.

There's backtiming to be done first of all & I love this part of a cooking afternoon.

The meat needs to be out of the fridge for 30 minutes to get to room temperature. The beauty I've bought is just under 2kg.

Plate mates will be cheesy leeks & broccoli plus fresh broad beans.

Photo AM Minhall

Oven on at 240C/220C/Gas 9

Oil & season the Aberdeen Angus before it goes into a pre-heated roasting tray

In for 25 minutes

Steam the sliced leeks & broccoli florets until tender & remove to an ovenproof dish

For the cheese sauce

25g Butter

25g Plain Flour

275ml Creamy Milk

75g Cheese grated

Pinch of English Mustard Powder & a grating of Nutmeg


Melt the butter & flour & stirring until it thickens

Slowly start whisking in the milk, bring to the boil

Lower the heat, stir in the cheese until you have a creamy consistency & simmer for 15 minutes

Add the Colmans Mustard & nutmeg plus some salt & pepper & pour the sauce over the broccoli & leeks

Scatter a little more cheese over the top 

Time for the beef to come out briefly & to cover it with foil

Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/160C/Gas 4

Put the beef back in for 18 minutes rare/22 for medium/33 well done (aka cremated - Robert's way)

Put the cheesy leeks & broccoli in to bake for 25 minutes

The Ratte potatoes need 20 minutes to simmer

The broad beans will take 8-10 minutes 

My gravy today is shop bought & takes just a couple of minutes to heat with the meat juices from the joint added

Once the beef is done in the oven, take it out & let it rest for 15-20 minutes

Time for me to rest now once the carving of the beef has been done and the Sunday plate filled with the many other good things.

I felt like I had well & truly embraced autumn albeit in my kitchen.




Quality v. Quantity v. Price

Quality v. Quantity v. Price

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, four or five, increasing six soon, rain or slight drizzle, good.

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, four or five, increasing six soon, rain or slight drizzle, good.