When Only Toast Will Do

When Only Toast Will Do

Wandered round to the next resort today to the larger supermarkets there - three of them. A treasure trove of yummy things. Did a little food tourism. Blocking the aisles while I googled the labels.

En route, passing endless eateries which I notice fall into various categories:

Tavernas - Basic Restaurant, big menu, meat, cheap.

Psarotaverna - Fish and seafood.

Estiatorio - Up-Market.

Magirio – Basic hearty food.

Inomagirio – Likewise basic, hearty serving house wine.

Mezedopolio – Offering little dishes. Emphasis on drink and chat.

Ouzeri/Rakadiko – Little Meze dishes with strong alcoholic drinks.

Suvlatzidiko/Psistaria/Psitopolio – Souvlaki specialists.

and then an outlier.

A bar serving TOAST. Not sure if there is a Greek Restaurant name specifically for Toast. I’ll ask around.

So reasonable too.


Photo © Rob Jones

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