New Year Food I

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Here we are then .. 

It's almost time to say farewell to 2022.

Frankly, it's not been a great one for the world generally right?

Anyway, here comes a new beginning or a tricky transition time, maybe both.

This year, I'll be lucky enough to be with some good friends to welcome in 2023.

We'll be at home with a meal, some fizz & wine, & the company of Big Ben at midnight.

I'm going to be in charge of the start of the repast for the 31st December. There's been much thought.

Eventually, I have turned to one of my favourite food writers for inspiration, Simon Hopkinson, and here's the choice.

Behold the .. 

P R A W N  C O C K T A I L

Today there was a trip to the fishmonger to pick up the prawns & my own little addition .. fresh crab meat.

The plan then tomorrow shall be to get the mayonnaise made and fridged, (is that even a verb?), before adding the Tommy K etc .. 

The sweet gem lettuces have been bought as well as the cucumber & the Spring onions. Oh, yes & some brown bread is sorted, too.

I will keep you posted on the progress. In the meantime, I have many lists close to hand & ready for ticking on the last day of the year. 

Caution will be needed as I tend to get full by the start of the meal. I'll skip the brown bread & butter for the Prawn Cocktail.

Well, I'll try anyway.





When Only Toast Will Do

When Only Toast Will Do