Summer's Over

Summer's Over

Summer’s over, truly it is …

Took an early walk this morning to the pier (which I note is ‘Peer of the Year 2022,’ when did that happen) at 7am when its gates are thrown open by the local council. I’m normally about at this time, it’s my morning run destination … run up the hill, down the other side, onto the pier, to the far end, stop to wonder at the beauty of the world, then run back up the hill, over the top, and back home. A good start to the day.

There was a greater push to get out early this morning as the first major storm of the Autumn was minutes away. And indeed as I write, it’s here. A gusty, blowy, really really wet kind of storm has descended on the city. A day to stay in. A day to stay warm and dry.

Even yesterday there were futile attempts to emulate King Canute and hold back the inevitable change in seasons, it’s here and we can’t go back. People were walking around in shorts, and sitting outside cafes, and indeed it was only a few weeks ago that we had the hottest days of the year.

Funny old world.

But … I love Autumn. It’s like nature’s taking pruning shears to an overgrown bush.

Plus the nights are darker … making everything feel a lot cosier.

And the food! Hoorah for Autumnal delights. Time to dust off the cookbooks in search of good solid, cheer making, dishes.


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