Flicks & Pick & Mix
The Odeon in Nottingham back in the day.
Photo © Cinema Treasures
I have booked myself in to go to the cinema this week.
The last time this happened was to see the latest Bond, No Time To Die. It was a great experience. Empty (ish) theatre. Wine. Film.
I'm careful when I head out for the flicks. RJ will tell you that I can get easily irritated in public places with, well, many things.
Fingers are crossed that the morning viewing of 'Three Thousand Years Of Longing' will be a stress-free affair. No folk on phones, chatting/texting/WhatsApp-ing, no one eating crisps etc .. You see, I've been spoiled through the years. As part of my job, there have been many times when I've been to small & private media screenings of new movies because it was a prerequisite ahead of interviewing the stars (or otherwise) of said film.
Growing up, going to the local Odeon, (or the ABC), for the must-see new flick was an adventure. A huge event. There was the build up to it. The chitter chatter in the playground .. "When are you seeing (insert film favourite here) ..?" ..
The Ice Cream lady
My Nanna had the task of taking me to see Star Wars back in the summer of 1977. God bless Bridie who, with many other grown ups, had to deal with over-excited, noisy kids needing sweets, ice creams, pick n mix & the bathroom facilities. Looking back, I didn't really follow much of the story of the film (a Western in space?), but, that wasn't what being there was all about. It was making sure that you were part of what everyone at school was talking about.
There were plenty of sweet treats to be enjoyed. A tub of raspberry ripple ice cream with a tiny plastic pink shovel with which to scoop it up with. It seemed to be never ending. As an extra, a packet of Tutty Frooties.
Currently I am unsure as to what will be consumed for the forthcoming visit to the flicks. Nowadays there's the option of wine .. hmmm .. possibly. There might be popcorn to take in. Salty. I'll report back.
Nanna Bridie slept through most of Star Wars. Nowadays, I might do the same.