Weekend Brunch

Photo © J Braverman

A late breakfast with my Bestie celebrating her birthday.

We meet up here: https://ottolenghi.co.uk/restaurants/islington

You can't book a table before noon so I make sure I am there by 1030 ahead of an 1100 start.

Waiter approaches ..

"A 10 minute wait, will that be okay?" ..

"No problem. May I also ask if I can reserve a piece of your apple frosted cake and here are some birthday candles, would you be able to bring this a little later please?" ..

"Yes, of course .." ..

So here we go with our choices from the Ottolenghi breakfast menu ..

Shakshuka with braised eggs, labneh & grilled focaccia

Scrambled eggs & cured salmon with grilled focaccia, mixed leaves & crème fraiche

Photo © J Braverman

A side of crispy bacon (gratuitous, obviously)

Mimosas x 4

Everything was delicious. Spicy shakshuka, just the right amount of heat to it. My scrambled eggs plus salmon plus bacon, perfect.

The brilliant waiter approached once more & asked if we were ready for the .. ahem .. wink wink .. cake? 

I had nearly forgotten all about it. Out it came. A lit wedge of cake which was devoured once a wish had been made.

Bestie was well pleased with the start to her birthday.



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