The Heat Is On

The Heat Is On

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Here's news I didn't want to hear on the radio this week: 'The Met Office has extended its amber warning over "extreme heat" until Tuesday. It said the alert was prolonged "with emphasis on the peak of the hot spell shifted to Monday/Tuesday".' ..

No thank you. No, not for me.

The summer brings a dichotomy. It's the season for cricket which I adore. It's also the season for muggy, hot weather which I abhor. Luckily, most of my working day is in a cool, air-conditioned environment. It's just the double commute and trying to sleep which causes angst. I've got a great book on the go & that is helping me through my journeys. The last time I remember a blast of heat like this was when I stepped out of a 747 BA Jumbo at Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei. I was in my teens, a long way from home, (a really long way, 7,007 miles) & had never experienced weather like it.

Memories like this &, in the month of July, are being recalled because I've been asked to write a piece about what makes a favourite holiday for me.

I think it's different every time you're away isn't it? At least it is for me. Robert & I have been so fortunate to travel to so many places through the years & I hope we have so many more adventures at home & abroad to come. I'm still ruminating about what constitutes a happy holiday for me. As Robert said it is trying to go 'ping' .. I agree with that & I think it's also about recognising, acknowledging, enjoying & banking 'moments of happiness' .. Here are some elements which go towards contented & safe travels for me ..

If on a plane - preflight lounge/window seat

Info on where I'm going

Booking places to eat

Light hand baggage






That's me.


The Heat is Off

The Heat is Off

A Tale of Two Chairs

A Tale of Two Chairs