What exactly IS Nougat?

What exactly IS Nougat?

Photo © Rob Jones

Nougat remains a total weakness of mine.

Luckily in the UK you so seldom see it in the confectionary aisles of the supermarkets.

Sadly here in Corfu it is ubiquitous and calling me at every turn.

Despite my fondness for it, I have never been exactly sure what goes into it. I eat it and marvel - how do they do this.? I am almost certain that I could never replicate the fine examples I find in just about every shop here.

Remarkably, the Greeks are about mid-way in the table of countries packing the most weight. Turkey, Malta and UK head the list in Europe. Spain and Luxemburg and Ireland are near the bottom. So it’s clearly not the accessibility of Nougat that’s the problem. Therefore a green light.

So what is it?

The type you get in Corfu is called Mandolato. Its popularity stems from when the Ionian islands were ruled by the Venetians, as with so many foody preferences. It takes its place proudly on the Pantheon inhabited by Torrone in Italy, and Turrón in Spain. Also favourites of mine.


200g Almonds
150g Pistachios
100g Hazelnuts
450g Sugar
670g Honey
3 Egg Whites
Pinch of Salt
Half Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
Zest of an Orange

Zest of a Lemon.


Bake the nuts for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn them. Heat up all but 50g of the sugar and all the honey in a pan, occasionally stirring to keep the liquid on the move. Put the egg whites in a bowl, along with 50g of sugar, Vanilla essence, and beat them together to make a peaky merinque.

Pour the Sugar/Honey caramel mixture into the bowl very slowly whisking all the time. Keep beating to bring down the temperature. Add the nuts, orange and lemon zests. Mix together thoroughly.

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, dusted with icing sugar.

Pour in the mixture and pat it flat with your hands (grease your hands before doing this otherwise it becomes a dreadful mess).

Into the fridge for ten mins or so, before cutting into slices.

There’s any number of variations. I’ve seen some with mixed peel, wafer and rice paper.


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