West End Girls - II

West End Girls - II

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Heading to South Bank

The girls had a fantastic evening at the Lyric to see Get Up, Stand Up - the Bob Marley story in song.

Me: "Did people get up to dance last night?"

Girls, in unison: "Oh, yes, it was brilliant, there were only four people in the audience who didn't leave their seats to have a bop, the rest of us were up on our feet ..!"

Me: "It would have been five if I'd come along .."

On a very warm & sunny day in London, I meet up again with the Step Sis & the Niece in town.

Our destination today: https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/visit/cafes-restaurants-bars/scfood-market

Before a slow amble across the river it's time for thirsts to be quenched. There's an outside bar in front of the Royal Festival Hall. An Elderflower fizzy cordial, a beer and a Rosé.

London's always busy (except during the pandemic when it felt like I was the only one there, working I hasten to add) & when the sun comes out so does everyone. It was a fairly brief trot around the food market but I will be returning later in the year. So many different cuisines to choose from ..

Duck Confit Burgers

Polish Pork Sausages

Korean BBQ in Burritos, Rice Bowls & Salad Boxes

Japanese Buta Minced Pork & Nasu Deep-Fried Aubergine

Pasture-raised, Heritage Breed Meats with Rustic Skin-On Chips

There are also sweet treats to be had ..

Fruit in Melted Belgian Chocolate

French Lemon & Sugar Crêpes

Pasteis de Nata

Plus, there's a fantastic array of drinks, exotic coffees, teas plus craft beers, sparkling wines from England to Patagonia & cocktails.

Speaking of which ..

Photo © Jane Wilde

All Manner of Cocktail Madness

A final amalgam for the three musketeers here: https://www.skylon-restaurant.co.uk/at/skylon-bar/

It was time to say goodbye. My task, having been put in charge of back-timing, was to get these members of the family back on the other side of the Thames before they headed home from St Pancras.

On Hungerford Bridge ..

Step Sis to me: "Why do you walk so quickly?" .

Me: "Because, it's London." ..


What exactly IS Nougat?

What exactly IS Nougat?

West End Girls - I

West End Girls - I