Hello Corfu
Photo © Rob Jones
Family reunions are little more exotic these days …
After three mayhem years … it was time to jump on a plane, swallow my fears of travelling in a time of Covid, and get back out there.
I had so forgotten how much I enjoy going places - ‘Going to look see,’ as I call it.
I have to admit it was all plain sailing. No queues at the airport, as had been forecast. An uneventful flight to Corfu from Manchester (the epicentre of much rumoured chaos), and touchdown in a place I had felt was familiar, a brief car journey and then that long extended breath than comes the beginning of leaving all those cares and concerns of daily life behind.
I was last here four years ago - as Google rather disturbingly informed me on arrival. That kind of message I find mildly creepy. Like someone taking just a teensy bit too much notice of your movements.
So much has changed in that time. Much more of emphasis on finding the simplicity in life. Seeing, and photographing the beauty around me. Listening to the sounds (familiar birds, unfamiliar birds, frogs in bushes, dogs barking at the moon, and the sound of the sea on largely uninhabited beaches.)
A determination over the next fourteen days and nights to feel more in-tune with what is around me, to be inspired by the beauty of the island, and to enjoy, especially the tastes of Corfu.
Bring it on