Welcome 2022

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall




Happy New Year

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (for Robert)

Not forgetting ..

Buon Anno

Bonne Année

¡ Feliz Año Nuevo!

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar

Xin Nian Kuai Le (Another one for Robert)

After working over Christmas it felt very good to know that a few days away in Fife lay ahead with friends. Menus had been planned at the start of November. Of course they had been.

For the 29th December a homemade Turkey & Ham Pie courtesy of one of the companions. Salty, smoky, juicy beast it was, too. The perfect way to begin.

For the 30th December a Christmas present of a local lunch out. More on what was an extraordinary culinary treat to come very soon on M&J.

For the 31st December a hearty dish of a Glasgow-based butcher's Haggis. It was the best I've ever tasted. It was properly meaty without being stodgy, lovely lamb flavour.

Neeps & Tatties were the plate-dates for the 'Great Chieftain of the Pudding Race.' .. Meanwhile, I was tasked with a light starter for the evening.

Bloody Mary Prawns

For 4


6 Garlic Cloves sliced

1/2tsp Celery Salt

4tbsps Vodka

200g Cherry Tomatoes halved

400g Tinned Cherry Tomatoes

2tbsps Worcestershire Sauce

1tsp Sugar

12-15 splashes of Tabasco

15-20 Raw King Prawns ready for the pot (shelled & deveined)

Parsley roughly chopped

Over a medium heat & into a large frying pan go the oil and the garlic to soften, 10 minutes or so

Celery salt plus the vodka go in next to get bubbling

Fresh Cherry tomatoes to follow

Next it's the turn of the tinned toms together with the Worcestershire Cause, sugar & Tabasco

Let's get this sauce up to the boil before reducing the heat & simmering for 15 minutes

Keep an eye & stir making sure that the tomatoes are being broken up as they cook

Turn the heat up again & pop in the prawns to cook for 4-5 minutes

Serve in bowls scattered with the parsley.

We had some crusty, freshly baked soda bread & salty butter on the table as well

We were well fed that New Year's Eve.

Out with the old & in with the new.


Lost Sole

Lost Sole

Farewell 2021

Farewell 2021