Amaretti Rhubarb Crumble
Photo © Rob Jones
Some things are meant to be.
The other day I felt compelled to buy Amaretti Biscuits, and also Rhubarb, even though I didn’t have a clue what I was meant to do with either of them. When I got home, I felt as though I was living in an episode of Ready, Steady, Cook.
But a bit of research offered up Baked Rhuberb with an Amaretti Crumble topping.
A bundle of Rhubarb
4 Tablespoons of Honey
Zest and Juice of an Orange
2 Star Anise
For the Crumble topping:
60g Amaretti biscuits, crushed
60g Flaked Almonds
60g Oats
2 Tablespoons of Honey
80g Butter
Serve with Ice Cream.
Photo © Rob Jones
Cut the rhubarb into chunks and pop into a small deep roasting dish with 4 Tablespoons of runny Honey, the juice and zest of a Lemon and a couple of Star Anise. Bake at 180C until the rhubard is soft but still visibly rhubarby.
Meanwhile, crush some Amaretti Biscuits into a bow, with the same amount of Flaked Almonds, and Oats. Put 80g of Butter into a pan, and throoughly mix in the biscuity oaty mix. It should end up tumbly. Spread onto a baking tray and pop it into the oven to brown off a little. Watch it like a hawk. You don’t want burnt bits.
Put the Rhubarb mix in a dish, and lay the crumble over the top. Allow to cool a little and serve with Ice Cream.