Warm Scallop Salad with Bacon and Apple
Photo © Rob Jones
We have a visitor.
In brief - born in a storm, abandoned, discovered by the dog, near death experience, rubbed back to life, fed liberally and given the name Barry, because he took up residence in a Bara Brith box, but also known as Bazza, and the Lamb of Dog.
The symbolism as we approach Easter has not been lost on us. He’s with us for a bit, till he’s off the bottle and onto the ‘green stuff.’
It was my turn to watch over him. He roams freely about the house getting under our feet mainly, enjoys sunbathing, and making new friends.
He’s a feel-good companion on a day that felt so Springlike. So I wanted a lunch to fit the mood.
This was so simple, and with flavours I haven’t explored before now.
Warm Salad of Scallops, Bacon and Apple
Peel and finely slice a couple of apples, then fry them in butter and pepper till they start to caramelise.
Finely chop and fry off some Bacon or Lardons.
Then, in the same pan, fry some lightly peppered Scallops. (Lay them in the pan like the numbers on a clock, then when you come round to mid-day again, turn them over, once you get to midnight, the first is cooked.)
Put a bag of Rocket Salad leaves into a bowl, and add the apple and bacon. Toss, and place a portion into a bowl. Lay the scallops proudly on top.
And now, a gratuitous picture of a cute lamb…..
Photo © Rob Jones
Thank You. Enjoy.