Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

The shortest day & the longest night.

December 21st.

I have a Christmas notebook and there's a system.

What's been bought.

What's been wrapped.

What's been posted or delivered.

This book makes me very happy, especially once a highlighter pen has been employed, this means the job is completed.

Over the past few days, jars of pickled onions, piccalilli & mulled cider pears have been labeled & dropped off to various friends. Some jars will be dispatched in the days to come.

Almost there, I thought earlier today.

A friend brought some home made sausage rolls into work together with some proper Colmans English Mustard on the side.

Delicious & I do love a mustard nasal rush.

Back home, Christmas lights on, Christmas notebook updated.

We are indeed almost there.


Meanwhile ... in Cornwall

Meanwhile ... in Cornwall

T'was the Monday before Christmas

T'was the Monday before Christmas