Meanwhile ... in Cornwall
Photo © Rob Jones
So ….
You turn the corner in Penzance and come face to face with a horse’s skull, ravens on sticks and a fire juggler.
Nothing to see here, all run of the mill. For Cornwall at least.
Montol - Winter Solstice in Cornwall.
Exactly how authentic this is, I don’t know. A re-enactment of the pagan times clearly. Picking up references from the mid-19th century. Lost in history.
This is Montol Eve ... a procession through the town, lanterns, mask wearers and fantastical costumes. Masked revellers governed by the Lord of Misrule.
There’s no historical reference for any of this ... it was all revived about 15 years ago.
Poldark would have been no stranger to these activities, described at the time as an Italian-style festival.
Had to battle through the oddments of the crowd, heading for a last meal at the Turk’s Head before it (probably) closes. It made for a strange evening, tucking into a fabulous pizza, while occasional masked revellers bursting through the door, only to be turned away due to Covid regulations. Even the Lord of Misrule has to wear a mask it seems.
Odd to be eating pizza cheek by jowl with a horse’s skull.