Spaghetti Hoops

The dark & cold January.

Lockdown #3.

So ..?


At work today, late morning, an impromptu conversation with a colleague who piped up with this:

Fellow Worker: "Right now, I could just go for spaghetti ..”

Me: “Bolognese?”

FW: “Hoops on toast .."

Me: "Oh, goodness, yes .. How?"

FW: "Well, I could bring the bread and the tin of hoops in tomorrow .."

Me: "I could look after the butter - it has to be salty, right?"

FW: "Of course .."

Me: "We could ask the canteen to toast the bread & then the hoops go into the microwave?"

FW: "Plan. Lunch. Brown or white bread?"

Me: "Hmmmm .. White .. No. Yes. Either."

FW: "Pepper for the finish, obviously .."

Me: "100 percent plus proper metal cutlery, no plastic nonsense .."

That's the plan for Thursday.

Excited & will report back.

Simple pleasures.




Roast Beef & Yorkies

Roast Beef & Yorkies