Roast Beef & Yorkies

Roast Beef & Yorkies

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The January days & nights are cold & so roast beef & Yorkshire puds are in order to deflect Jack Frost.

To be honest with you, this is one of my favourite meals whatever the weather.

Good for leftovers, too.

The main event

1kg Topside/Silverside at room temperature

A close contender

For around 6 Yorkies

2 Large Free Range Eggs

100g Plain Flour

100ml Milk

Oil or Duck Fat

Oven at 180C/160F/Gas 4

Get the puddings sorted first

The eggs, flour & milk get beaten together with some seasoning

Leave to rest in the fridge for as long as suits you, it's good to let the batter breathe a wee bit

To the big boy

Get some fat on the beef, whatever you fancy, olive oil, dripping or, as I used, some duck fat left over from Christmas


For rare - (not for Robert) 20 minutes per 450g plus another 20 minutes

Medium - (my preference) as above but 25 minutes plus another 25 minutes

Well Done - (Robert's preference) as above but 30 minutes plus another 30 minutes

Baste the joint a few times during the cooking

Once the beef is out let it rest for a good 20 to 30 minutes covered in foil

Oven up to 225C/425F/Gas 9

Get your oil of choice into a Yorkshire Pudding tray & heat for 15 minutes

Careful now as you take that hot, hot tray from the oven

Yorkshire batter ladelled in

Back into the furnace for around 15 minutes

When they're risen, they're done

I'm serving this with roasties, parsnips, sprouts, carrots & leeks.

Happy day.


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