Chicken and Mushroom with a Suet and Herb Crust

Chicken and Mushroom with a Suet and Herb Crust

Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

One of the best things about being habitually unable to cook for one, is that there is always plenty of leftovers.

A cooked chicken goes a long way with me.

Meal 1: A slap up chicken dinner with roast potatoes, green beans, stuffing, and pigs in blankets.

Meal 2: Make a stock with the chicken bones, add some potato and parsnip, cream (plus the leftover beans, bacon, sausage etc if you like) and whizz it up to make a lovely soup.

Meal 3: Pull the leftover meat, fry it up with some mushrooms, bacon and onions tossed in plain flour. Add a dash of white wine, cream, and whatever herbs you have around that are looking a little limp.

Place it into a pie dish.

Make up the suet crust from 2 parts Self-raising Flour to one part Suet. Plus a little oil and some herbs. Add water till it makes a slightly sticky mix. Flatten the mix on a floured bread board and shape it into a lid for the pie dish.

The filling is already cooked, so just cook the pie till the crust looks golden brown. You might want to start the cooking off with the pie covered by foil, then remove it to get the top brown.

It’s a meal in itself. Doesn’t need anything else.


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