Learning to Love Raw Tomatoes
Photo © Rob Jones
Maybe I just got unlucky with the raw tomatoes I got fed as a kid.
On some school salad lunch days, there'd be a slice or two on your plate. You might as well have just run a tissue under the tap & served that.
Nowadays aren't we so blessed with the huge variety of home grown toms of all shapes, sizes & colours. Some are sweet. Some sweeter. Some green. Some purple. Some a combination of both. Others divinely red. Some which need no cutting because they'll explode as you try to slice them.
I think it was a family holiday in France when I was still knee high to a grasshopper that the joy of a plump, squelchy & tasty tomato changed the mindset.
And some salt.
Some market bits & pieces had been bought for lunch, including wine for the parents, not old enough to judge them. Purchased: There was a long baguette, some local cheeses, hard & soft, a blue one, too, & three or four fat tomatoes. The father was keen for me to try them.
Me: "I don't like tomatoes."
MM: "Try one, these are different from the ones back home."
Me: **DubiousExpression**
MM: "Go on, just a little wedge."
Me: "May I have some salt to put on it please?"
MM: **Sighs** "Go on then."
Me: **DigsIn** "Yes, it's a tasty sarnie. The tomato is good."
MM: "Told you."
Since then, whatever type of red, fruity beast beckons for a cob, (Nottingham thing), there will always be some salt crystals as a companion.