Support Your Local Sheriff (Shop)

Support Your Local Sheriff (Shop)

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Queuing. A national pastime & now being considered as an Olympic sport. Team GB would rock it.

A Saturday morning. Meals being planned. In these new strange days, food shopping is a new & time consuming experience. 

My local parish is blessed with some wonderful independent producers. Butcher. Fishmonger. Greengrocer. Still awaiting the Candlestick Maker. 

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be without a supermarket but, I want to support innovative people and their businesses who are looking to do things differently.

First stop was the butcher. A twenty minute wait to get in. The sun is out & there are folk to watch so am quite content.


Some beef mince for later in the week. A chicken breast, and asked for it to be diced so that I can make a ragù with pappardelle later.

On top of the counter, some smoked garlic **AddedToBasket**

Next door is the greengrocer.

Ten minute queue.



Broad beans, white asparagus, herbs, (the owner gave me the oregano gratis as he said it was just about on the turn) & spring onions.

As an extra treat to myself, some flowers.


Learning to Love Raw Tomatoes

Learning to Love Raw Tomatoes

Breakfast + Lunch = ?

Breakfast + Lunch = ?