Laughing in Vancouver
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
The first booked lunch of my Canadian holiday.
The research into restaurants before a trip away anywhere is a constant joy for me. On a cold February London evening, how satisfying it is to be planning where to eat in the summer months & your destination is thousands of miles away, too.
In Vancouver, Hawksworth on West Georgia Street was coming up trumps online & calling me to find out more. A reservation was made for 1.45pm for an August afternoon.
On the day, to work up an appetite, there was a gentle run & then some pootling around a city which makes me grin like a Cheshire cat. As it happens, smiling & laughing is celebrated here.
Apart from one couple dining at Hawksworth, the place was bereft of diners apart from me. Was my timing out? Maybe the good folk of Vancouver have lunch earlier. Too soon to know the ways of the locals. The food was very good but a lack of hearing some chitter chatter rather than silence, aside from the clip clop of the server's shoes, rather took away from the experience.
Heading back to my hotel room later that day, I knew that waiting in the fridge there was a bottle of bubbles & some stinky cheese I picked up earlier.