Breakfast + Lunch = ?
I've never quite understood what brunch is.
You have breakfast or you don't. You have lunch or you don't. You might have both. You might have neither.
Robert has asked for more details about the Salade Lyonnaise that I barely got through in Lyon.
I had been naïve about the generous portions at the restaurant. Greedy to taste though.
It’s a warm egg & crispy bacon salad.
Photo © Rob Jones
Into a hot pan, a little oil. Proper streaky bacon, snipped into bits. Cubed 1/2 day old bread. They'll be done when both look like they will snap satisfyingly once mouth-bound
In a bowl, fresh gem lettuce, shredded, cut, however you would like it. Cucumber, diced.
In another bowl, 1 tbsp Dijon mustard, 2 tbsp good white wine vinegar, 100ml rapeseed oil, seasoning.
In a pan of boiling water, 1/2 good eggs to poach.
Ready to eat?
Salad leaves et al into a bowl brave enough to take everything. Bacon & bready bits on top. Dressing. Toss about. Soft, golden yolky poached eggs to finish.
Spoon. Fork. Appetite.