Chicken Sunday Roast - with a Twist

Chicken Sunday Roast - with a Twist

The produce in May is a many-hued adventure. I grow greedy when faced with fat, virid asparagus spears, baby peppers the colours of traffic lights and cherry tomatoes which look like they'd burst if you just smiled at them.

My local butcher provides the best garlic marinated chicken thighs. The ones I got for this dish are skinless & boneless. 

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Two garlic chicken thighs

Peppers, multi-coloured, sliced in half

Cherry toms, whole

Shallots, peeled and halved

Garlic cloves in skin (as many as you can cope with)

Asparagus spears, snapped 

Lemon, quartered


A roomy tray is needed

Place everything bar the lemon and the mint into it. Chicken on top is best

A few slugs of oil, be generous


200/400/Gas mark 6 for an hour

Lemon quarters and mint should go in a few minutes before the cooking time is at an end. 

This can stand alone but it wouldn't be wrong to introduce some Jersey Royals to lunch as well.


Not Marmite in a Loaf

Not Marmite in a Loaf

Marmite in a Loaf - 3

Marmite in a Loaf - 3