Chestnut Soup

The start of a New Year is much like Spring.

Clearout time. I've had a receptacle in the kitchen stuffed with nails, screws, postcards, old cheque books & gas boiler safety certificates.

Time to sort everything out &, in the process, found some forgotten treasures.

Amazon gift voucher. John Lewis voucher. Spectacles voucher.

I'll discover whether or not they are all valid shortly.

Meanwhile, there's a cupboard edit going on as well & my supper to plan.

It's soup tonight. Chestnut & Oregano.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

2tbsps Oil

Generous slice or 2 of Butter

1 Onion chopped

4tbsps Oregano chopped (if using dried, 1tsp)

2 Smoked Garlic Cloves sliced

1 litre Vegetable or Chicken Stock

200g Chestnuts halved (use pre-cooked ones)

75ml Crème Fraîche

Sweat the onion in the oil & butter for around 15 minutes.

Add your smoked garlic

Oregano goes in next

Pour in your choice of stock & season then simmer for 20 minutes

Keep attending to the soup by stirring occasionally

Take your pan off the heat

After a few minutes the soup needs to go into a food processor (or use a stick blender) to be made smooth

Let it meet the pan again, add the crème fraîche & warm through for a few minutes.

Some nice bread & butter & that's your evening meal right there.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall


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