Christmas Leftovers II

Christmas Leftovers II

For Christmas lunch, a turkey breast I thought.

From the local butcher I thought

Ordered in November.

Collected in December.

No pre-determined weight for the fowl, but, was told it would be around 2kg.

Weighed it on Boxing Day (Christmas Day meal delayed)


Happy Christmas!


It was lovely to have the time on the 26th to prep the turkey (bacon, thyme, butter & seasoning) as well as the veg - all the usual suspects. Apron on. (New one from Father Christmas).

Festive aromas.

I was most excited about the turkey, the crispy roast potatoes and the sprouts. A glass of a Reserve Barolo courtesy of a cousin & that was me done.

Now, two days later, it's time for the festive curry.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

For two

Leftover turkey chunks

2 Medium Onions peeled & chopped

3 Cloves of Garlic thinly sliced

2 Celery Sticks chopped

1 Leek washed & sliced

Fresh Ginger peeled & thinly sliced

Red Chilli cut & deseeded

1 Red Pepper sliced

2tsps Cumin

2tsps Dried Chilli

1tsp Turmeric

4 Fresh Tomatoes quartered

4tbsps Yoghurt

Rice (as much as you want)

Oil into your pan on the hob

Onions, garlic, celery, ginger,chilli, red pepper in & slowly sweat everything

Stir a wee bit & after 15 minutes add your spices

Turkey chunks are in next

Tomatoes are next

Let everything be together in the pot for another 15 minutes

Get your rice on

Stir in the yoghurt into your main pan 5 minutes before serving

Get your cutlery to hand plus a glass of something nice & enjoy the spice.

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