T'is The Season II

T'is The Season II

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There's an aroma of Christmas at home today.

The first Christmas Cake is in the oven.

It all started like THIS

Two days later.

650g Dried Fruit - Go with what else you want to enjoy in the festive cake.

Here's what I went with. Everything chopped. Not too finely.


Morello Cherries



Roasted Hazelnuts

Also invited:

250g Butter well softened

250g Light Brown Sugar

250g Plain Flour

1tsp Baking Powder

3 Handsome Large Eggs beaten

2tsps Mixed Spice

Gratings of Naughty Nutmeg (Robert can explain)

“Alexa, play the Minhall #ChristmasPlaylistNo.1 please..”

Oven on at 160/140/Gas Mark 3 

Line your 20cm cake tin (with a removable base) with buttered greaseproof paper

Unless you have amazing biceps & triceps, use a food mixer to beat together the really well softened butter and sugar

Slowly add the beaten eggs

In go the rest of the dried fruits & the hazelnuts

Your plumped & brandied fruits go in next with the gorgeous orange & lemon juices

Stir whilst enjoying either 'Last Christmas' or 'Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time ..'  

The flour, baking powder, mixed spice & nutmeg are put together before being folded into the main fruity, sugary mix

The prepared tin is ready to receive all the guests

Into the oven for an hour

Turn the heat down to 150/130/Gas Mark 2 & cook for another hour and a half

Enjoy the aromas & watch the envious glances of your neighbours as they realise you're baking a Christmas Cake & not buying one online

Cackle a little

Take the cake out & let it rest & relax in the tin for many hours (overnight)

You can check it is cooked by inserting a skewer into the centre - a bit wet? Back in & keep checking it

Once cooled, make a few holes with a skewer and feed your cake with some generous drops of Brandy twice a week.

Store in a Tupperware container wrapped in greaseproof paper & top with tinfoil.

Try not to have a slice before December.



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Good Korma

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Rainbow Tomato Chutney