Rainbow Tomato Chutney

There's a week at home & it's being spent in the kitchen. Mainly.

It's going to be a different Christmas this year.

Gifts for family & friends will be food.

Pickled Onions 


Mulled Fruit 

Today's outing is:


Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

You will need 4 x 340ml Sterilised Glass Jars

900g Toms - halved - a mix of colours is nice 

2 Large Onions chopped into chunks

100g raisins or sultanas

2 Chillies (whole)

250g Muscovado Sugar

Dash of Worcestershire Sauce

2tsps Yellow Mustard Seeds

1tsp Salt

200ml Cider Vinegar

100ml Red Wine Vinegar

Into a large stainless steel pan go the toms, onions, raisins (or sultanas), chillies, sugar, mustard seeds, salt & the vinegar & Lea & Perrins

Bring the beasts to the boil & then lower the heat to a simmer for 1 hour 

Stir & keep an eye out that the sugar isn't sticking to the bottom of the pan

Time to jar

Four jars ready for labelling but not for eating - Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Four jars ready for labelling but not for eating - Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Carefully spoon in & then use a funnel to add the rest of the liquid

Tops on to seal in the fruity goodness ready for cheese in 3 months

I'll be going for a Montgomery on a cracker myself.


T'is The Season II

T'is The Season II

T'is The Season I

T'is The Season I