T'is The Season I

T'is The Season I

Well, not quite, I know.

There are Christmas Cakes to think about though. This year, one in particular is very important. A very kind & generous soul has paid £300 to a favourite charity for me to bake one for them.

I'm sitting here ruminating & fretting.

I never normally do the marzipan or icing (controversial in some quarters). This time though, it will have to be a different affair. There will be a learning curve.

A 20cm cake tin with a removable bottom (matron) will be required.

On an October evening I weigh out the dried fruit ready for soaking:

100g Currants

100g Sultanas

100g Raisins

50g Cranberries

1 Orange zested & juiced

1 Lemon ditto

There'll be more fruit to come, trust me, but these lads get the party started

Everything into a (big) bowl or some Tupperware then ..

Here comes the grown-up bit:

3 tbsps Brandy (make it a decent one, it's Christmas)

The aroma makes you heady - Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The aroma makes you heady - Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The aroma makes you heady.





Leave for a couple of days

Next instalment to come

Meanwhile, I talk myself out of having a small snifter of Brandy.


Rainbow Tomato Chutney

Rainbow Tomato Chutney

Leonardo Da Vinci's Supper

Leonardo Da Vinci's Supper