Comfort & Joy?

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The Autumn Equinox has happened & so it's the official end of Summer.

Christmas for some supermarkets started in August.

There was a really interesting article on the Sky News website recently. Their 'Cost of Living Specialist' contacted the big hitters on the High Street to ask about their Christmas plans, what they were launching & when. 

One supermarket suggested that they were beginning to stock some small festive items because many of their customers like to spread the cost of Christmas. Another said that last year they sold "hundreds of thousands of mince pies in September and October alone." 

Robert knows, & you too if you've heard some of our podcasts, that Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. When, though, is it too soon for aisles & shelves to be stacked with mince pies, festive chutneys & sweet treats.

Mid-September & a trip to one famous brand told me that they're on the (snow) ball already. 

Don't misunderstand me, I am already thinking about when to start the preparation for the Christmas Cake & my Turkey has been ordered. It's just that .. 

I'm not quite ready for the full on Supermarket Sleigh Ride ..

Give me a few weeks. 



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