Spinach & Spring Onion Frittata

Spinach & Spring Onion Frittata

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Once home, I like to know that whatever my evening repast will be, it will be swift to bring about.

This evening there are some leftovers to use, plus eggs and a bag of spinach which has been calling me since Monday.

"Still here, Anne-Marie. You were going to cook me earlier in the week but didn't because you had enough veg prepped already. That's what you told me anyway. So .. I don't take much cooking as you know .. "


Frittata time ('Can't touch this' as someone once sang ..)

For two & you'll need a non-stick pan of around 20-22cm

Here's what made it into my supper treat



4 Eggs

2 Cloves Garlic thinly sliced

4 Spring Onions ditto

4-5 Cooked Baby Potatoes – sliced (leftovers)

3-4 Handfuls of Raw Spinach

75g Grated Mature Cheddar

75g Grated Pecorino

Heat the oil in the frying pan before adding the garlic & the spring onions

Let both soften for a good few minutes

Add the potatoes

Break the eggs into a bowl, season & whisk before adding the grated Cheddar

Tear the spinach leaves roughly and stir gently into the egg & cheese mixture

Add the butter to the spring onions & garlic & let it melt

Turn the grill on to a low to medium heat

Next pour the batter into the pan & top with the Pecorino

Cook for a couple of minutes before transferring to the grill for about 10 minutes but keep an eye on it

Let it cool for a couple of minutes before slicing into quarters & tucking in greedily

I did.


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