Raspberry Glut
Photo © Rob Jones
So let me explain the problem.
I’m housesitting again in Totnes in Devon. In the garden is the most wonderful patch of raspberry canes. They produce yellow raspberries.
Because they are yellow, the birds don’t seem to see them so they have only one preditor - namely me.
I love raspberries. They are possibly my favourite fruit, although I do like apples and juicy oranges, peaches in cream, bananas before running, gooseberries, oh and cherries … I adore cherries. Did I mention blackcurrants?
Anyway … back to the problem. These canes are very very fruitful. Almost daily I step into the little garden and pick a few, only to find half an hour later it’s produced even more behind my back. I’m talking dozens every day.
So what to do with them?
Keep in mind that I am housesitting and am here alone. They won’t freeze, and I can’t make something like a tart because I’ll end up having to eat the whole thing myself. I have a bowl for breakfast but to be honest I like variety in the morning. I could make jam, but that would involve buying lots of ingredients and risk spoiling the wonderfully crafted and cherished kitchen - which remember is not mine. I could give them away, but this would involve placing a chair on the pavement and waiting for random strangers to come along.
I did consider giving some to the young seagull who goes into meltdown every morning at 4am outside my bedroom window. Sadly ‘Colin,’ as I have named him cannot fly. His one wing I have observed is much smaller than the other and so can’t reach take-off velocity. I feel for him. Mother seagull is down the bingo. Do seagulls even eat raspberries?
The best idea so far is Golden Raspberry Curd. I don’t even know what it is, but ….
I think I may raise the issue with AMM when next we podcast.
Otherwise, I am at a loss.
Answers on a postcard.