Asparagus & Blue Cheese Tart
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
Temperatures are set to soar in London over the next couple of days with numbers of 33 degrees among those being mentioned.
I'm planning menus so that the oven doesn't have to be on & so today it's tart time.
Something that can be cooked today & eaten cold together with baby potatoes & salad. Speaking of which, may I stray away for a moment to give some judgements about salad please?
In no particular order ..
Lettuce - Gem or nothing
Beetroot - Only from a jar & whole
Cucumber - Always refreshing & only peeled for a Greek Salad otherwise, leave be
Watercress - The real deal for 'This is doing me some good, I know it ..' peppery beast
Radishes - One of the first things I grew in the garden growing up & another fiery treat
Tomatoes - Have to be small, juicy & sweet, the type which burst open when you eat them
Spring Onions - YES, YES, YES, big, bold ones which bring a tear to the eye when you cut them
Anyway, back to business.
I was going to make my own pastry, honest, but it got too warm so I picked up a roll of ready-made shortcrust. You'll need a 22cm case
Set the oven at 200C/180C/Gas Mark 6
15 Asparagus Spears cut into halves
300ml Double Cream
2 Eggs
Bleu D'Auvergne 200g (or any good blue cheese)
Put the asparagus into a pan of boiling water & cook for 3-5 minutes
Drain before transferring the asparagus into a bowl of cold water to stop them cooking any further & to retain their colour
Pour the double cream into a bowl, add the eggs, season & whisk lightly together
Line the tart case with the pastry & get it into every nook & cranny before seasoning generously with black pepper - check for any cracks
Scrunch up some greaseproof paper & line the pastry with it before putting baking beans in
Bake for 15-20 minutes before carefully removing the beans & paper before returning the pastry case to the oven for a further 5 minutes
Turn the oven down to 180C/160C/Gas Mark 4
Place the asparagus spears in the pastry case, then crumble the blue cheese over the top.
Pour the cream & egg mix in before transferring to the oven and bake for about 40 minutes
Leave to cool before digging in
A satisfying meal with a crisp salad & some baby potatoes.
Salad Cream - yay or nay? Robert may have thoughts.
That's a whole new post right there.