No Brainer
Photo © Rob Jones
In the words of Meatloaf, ‘I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.’
Daily I walk past signs proclaiming Crab Sandwiches at £10 a hit.
And I think … maybe, just maybe one day when I am flush, I’ll treat myself to one, but on any day other than high days and holidays, that’s just not going to happen.
My brain is in the days when you could get a coffee - ordinary or frothy - for under a pound in the National Milk Bars. A pint of beer should be £2. And a slap-up English Breakfast needs to come in under £3.
So … I know the world has moved on. I just think it can move on without me until I win the lottery.
But plans formulate in my mind .. everything comes together .. where there’s a will there’s a way.
It started in the street - the smell of the sea drifting off the Carrick Roads across Falmouth. My mind was dancing around deep fried whitebait, and mussels in white wine.
It was further formed in the supermarket when I stumbled across some cut-price crab pate, soon augmented by a crusty baton, and some peppery rocket.
And it was fully formed by the discovery of some knock-down white crab meat in an establishment where things normally cost a pound.
My pace quickened as I headed home and built the next best thing to a crab sandwich - Crusty Bread, Lined with Rocket and chunky Spring Onion slices, 50:50 Crab Pâté and white meat, and sprinkled with black olives which came back with me from Corfu.
Just perfection.
Probably about 5 Sandwiches in all for about £4 all in.