Mosaic Cake

Mosaic Cake

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Or as the Greek call it Mosaiko.

This is a Chocolate & Biscuit Fridge Cake.

Not made one of these before & a friend's birthday is coming up.

Excellent plain chocolate, walnuts, biscuits, butter & cream.

Plus a bit of love & stirring.

3 tbsp Icing Sugar

2 tbsp Liqueur (I used some Brandy but you could also use Irish Cream or Metaxa)

225g Dark Chocolate (70% Cocoa or more)

110g Butter

5 tbsp Double Cream

170g Biscuits roughly broken (I went for Biscoff, Rich Tea or Nice will also work)

50g Walnut Pieces

Pinch of Allspice

Traditionally this cake is rolled into a sausage shape but I opted to pop the mixture into a 20cm cake tin

Mix the icing sugar and the booze together in a bowl

In a heatproof bowl put the chocolate, butter & cream & set over a pan of simmering water (don't let the bowl touch the water)

Stir until the chocolate has melted & the mixture looks smooth & unctuous 

Next add in the icing sugar & liqueur before folding in the biscuits, walnuts & allspice

Cover the bowl & then leave to cool before putting it in the fridge for around an hour to firm up

Line your cake tin with greaseproof paper or baking parchment & press the mixture into it

Refrigerate overnight then cut as you please - a knife dipped into hot water will help with the slicing

My friend was pleased with the choccy treat - strawberries to accompany.

It felt like summer was just around the corner.



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