Morgenmad - Danish Breakfast
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhal
An unexpected shift to put in at work.
On a Saturday.
Hey ho.
Let's have a treat in town to start the day ..
Breakfast at
Not cheap but, my word, what they serve up is absolutely the business.
I'm an early arrival and there's one thing on my mind ..
Ham & Cheese Toastie or as they say in Danish ..
Skinke & Ost Toastie
Focaccia filled with dry cured ham, mature Cheddar and Dijon mustard.
A pot of Peppermint Tea on the side & I'm all set.
That fusion of the soft & melted cheese with the salty ham was fantastic. Comforting, too. I could barely stop eating it as I tried to read my paper. Both elements were encased in that delicious bread which had a slight golden crisp on the outside but, on the inside, the dough was as soft as a down pillow.
The mint tea was the perfect refreshing accompaniment.
I sat back for a few minutes &, from my prime window seat, watched London Town slowly wake up after a Friday night out.
Bet I'm having a better beginning to the day than you, I thought.