Noble Rot

It's a night at the theatre in London's West End.

My ticket for the Soho Theatre was £15.00.

Up the road at the Savoy Theatre, some folk are parting company with up to £300.00 to see Neil Simon's Plaza Suite.One suspects that it's the two leading actors on the Strand who're the box office pull & not the play.

This seems to be the trend right now. Sign up big names for a production, charge enormous prices for seats .. So who can afford those prices? Hmmm ..

Hmmm .. 

Anyway, in February & March you could go & spend far less & see this ..

Pre-show at the Soho Theatre there was an early supper here:

From their website ..

Noble Rot Soho is set in the former site of the Gay Hussar on Greek St, once notorious as the lair of many left-wing politicians. British Prime Ministers Clement Atlee, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair have all dined here, and the latter's Director of Communications, Alastair Campbell, was even rumoured to have bugged the ground floor dining room for intelligence.

Today the building's gorgeous period features have been preserved and renovated, and Martin Rowson, the Guardian's acerbic political cartoonist, has painted triptychs celebrating the restaurant's past and present customers in all their louche glory.

Noble Rot Soho's menu is overseen by Head Chef Alex Jackson (ex-Sardine restaurant) and executive chef Stephen Harris. It includes subtle references to The Gay Hussar's past and the most life-enhancing roast chicken with morels and vin jaune sauce to be found this side of France's Jura.

Noble Rot Soho won ‘Wine List of The Year’ 2022 & 2021 at the National Restaurant Awards. The restaurant was placed number 32 in the top 100 UK restaurants in 2023.

Quite a venue.

Among the choices for four of us .. 

Roast Skate, Brown Shrimp, Buttery Leeks & Mash

Pork Chop, Roast Potatoes, Turnip Tops & Red Wine Butter

Plates were cleared. Great food. Great service. 

Not a cheap meal but, hey to my mind, I'd rather fork out a few quid for this than an outrageously overpriced theatre seat.


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