Fromage Feast

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Happy 2024!

I hope you enjoyed the festive season & that you got some time to rest & to eat well.

I finished work at 1pm on Christmas Day before heading to a cousin's home for a feast. What a feast it was, too.

A whole fillet of beef.

Not just for me, you understand.

Absolutely delicious it was & it came with everything you want on your Christmas plate. 

There was a break after the sumptuous repast & then came the ..

C H E E S E 

Take a breath because on the table did appear ..



Mont d'Or

Lanark Blue 

Truffled Brie


Stilton (obvs)

I mean .. just writing about the banquet that was the cheeseboard sets my gums itching.

There were posh crackers to accompany from here:

Some of my homemade pickles, Piccalilli, Onions plus Bramley & Walnut Chutney, also made it to the festive table.

There was also a very special bottle or two opened of one of my favourite wines:

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Boots were filled &, during the course of Christmas evening, many return trips were made to fill up plates once more.

The cheeses would be revisited in the days to come - among the most welcome guests over the holiday period.


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