Solo at Skylon
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
Off to the theatre for the second time in two months with my oldest friend.
She's an artistic director & knows about stage things.
Last time we saw something together we left at the interval. Just saying.
My concentration levels when watching a play, a musical, or a film are low. Tell me a story in an hour & a half please.
Before my bestie & I met up for the latest proscenium arch offering, I wanted to eat. She couldn't meet until curtain up, so ..
Hello again Skylon ..
A prime seat by the window overlooking the Thames on a summer's early evening. Now then, to eat ..
Dressed Cornish Crab Spring Onion, Brown Crab Mayonnaise
English Asparagus House vinaigrette, Watercress
The food was very good, the service, okay.
We meet up at the theatre for a pre-prandial. The place is packed. In we go. Curtain up.
Verdict at interval goes like this ..
BFF: "Hmmmm."
Me: "Yep."
BFF: "It's overwritten, I can't see the captions without taking my eyes away from the stage."
Me: "Hmm, yes. Actors very good but .. the play is a bit too pleased with itself."
BFF: "Too long .." (2 hours 40 minutes btw)
Me: "Plus there's an element in the audience laughing at literary references as if to let us all know how clever they are."
BFF: "Oh really, that's tiresome."
Me: "Yep."
BFF: "Shall we disappear?"
Me: "Yep."
So we did.
There's now an agreement in place that we check timings for anything we go to see beforehand.
With me, it might be an age thing now, I don't know. I grew up with theatre & cinema & loved the excitement of being in an auditorium. The anticipation, the spectacle, the engagement.
It could still happen again. Possibly.