Mushroom, Parmesan & Dill Quiche

Mushroom, Parmesan & Dill Quiche

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

In the words of Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders, 'Don't Get Me Wrong', I'd had good intentions to make shortcrust pastry.

As it turned out, other things got in the way on my Saturday afternoon, so, ready made pastry it was for ..

An early Summer Quiche.

A fridge & cupboard audit reveals the following ingredients available ..

3 Large Eggs

400ml Double Cream

300g Small Mushrooms chopped 

40g Parmesan grated

15g Dill

3tbsp Olive Oil

I used a 22cm tart tin with a removable base for this.

I also opted for a pre-made pastry which is left chilling in the fridge whilst getting to work on the filling.

Oven 190C/375F/Gas 5

Into a saucepan goes the cream and gently bring it to the boil, set it aside & cover with a lid

Pop your cut mushrooms into a frying pan with the warmed oil & cook for around 5-7 minutes

Chop the dill before tossing it with the mushrooms & putting the pan to one side

Pastry time

Remove the pastry sheet from the wrapping & roll into a circle which will fit into your tart tin

Press the pastry evenly into the crevices before popping it back in the fridge to relax (nice) & chill for 20 minutes

Meanwhile put a baking sheet in the oven to heat up - this will ensure a crisp bottom to your quiche (matron)

Scrunch some greaseproof paper into a ball & place into the tin before adding some baking beans

Into the oven it goes on top of the warmed baking sheet & cook for 25 minutes

Remove the parchment and beans & return the pastry to bake for another 5 minutes

Lower the heat to 180°C/356F/Gas 4

Break the eggs into a bowl & whisk gently before adding the cream, the Parmesan, some seasoning & then in go the mushrooms

Spoon into your tart tin & bake for 25 minutes

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Leave to cool for as long as you can resist.

Hot or cold, it's a delight to eat.

I took some slices of quiche to work for colleagues. No one asked if I'd made the pastry & I certainly didn't volunteer the information.


The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 37

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 37

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