Easter Sunday Lamb

Easter Sunday Lamb

There's just me for Easter lunch today & I've been thinking about what to put on the table for days.

Beef? Chicken? Or ..


Not a joint though because that's going to be too much for little ol' me. A good long look inside the butcher's display and my eyes fall upon the treasure I'm looking for ..

Marinated Lamb Chump Steak.

The meat is in a dark emerald green mix of Royal Mint, Rosemary & Oil 

I'm on board. The butcher says the cut is the equivalent of beef rump. Braise it or flash-fry it before finishing off in the oven.

This was my take on it ..

Oven 220C/425F/Gas 7

Olive Oil


1 Chump of Lamb (bring to room temperature)

125g Ratte Potatoes (halve any big ones)

The potatoes go in the oven first, I love these French ones, great for steaming, boiling or roasting

Oil & butter plus some sprigs of rosemary into a roasting pan to heat before adding the Ratte spuds 

They'll take 40-45 minutes, turn them once

Heat a frying pan before adding some oil & a knob or two of butter

Add the lamb & fry for 5 minutes, turning occasionally & let the lamb turn golden brown all over

Move the lamb onto a wire rack & season before placing over the roasting potatoes

If you like pink lamb, let it roast for 15-20 minutes or leave it for up to 30 minutes for medium to well done

After the cooking time take the lamb from the oven & let it rest well before serving - a good 10 minutes

Meantime your potatoes should be ready, crispy & with a real nutty flavour

I had sprouts, carrots & bang in season asparagus to bring extra colour to the Easter plate.




Down Mincing Lane

Down Mincing Lane