Leek Chowder

Leek Chowder

Photo © Rob Jones

Always on the look out to find something ‘Welsh’ to cook and share around St. David’s Day ... and with so many vegetarians and health-kickers in my neck of the woods these days, I needed something that would be acceptable to all.

It’s been a while since I made some chowder - I love chowder - which I always associate with fish and seafood, however (delves into books) it seems that vegetables are an OK option. It also evokes for me New England/America too. Funny how you always associate certain foods with specific places.

But back to Wales …

Fried off some onions, celery and garlic and set aside.

I diced the leeks … I wanted them as flavour rather than texture. Always a danger they could end up a bit slimy in this kind of dish. Fried in a little butter and olive oil.

Dice some potatoes which I cooked three ways - softened in the microwave, fried off in butter and then roasted in the air fryer.

Return the onions/garlic/celery to the pan. Add a large tablespoonful of flour, and coat everything well.

Add a jug of stock - I always resort to my little sachets of miso rather than stock cubes which can be too salty.

Add in a can of sweetcorn and potatoes.

Let it all cook through and thicken, then add 50/50 full cream milk and single cream.

Serve with a sprig of parsley.

And wish everyone a happy St David’s Day…

Or Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant hapus iawn, as we say round here.


Sausage & Gnocchi Bake

Sausage & Gnocchi Bake

