Shellfish On The Seashore

Shellfish On The Seashore

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Unless I'm away on holiday I feel a bit out of sorts if I haven't been in a kitchen over a weekend.

In Deal, Kent, a couple of weeks ago with my oldest friend, she was in charge of the Saturday menu.

Salmon Wellington with buttered potatoes & greens.

Lovely. I was looking forward to that all day.

Deal is a proper British coastal town & with an extraordinary history which encompasses the Domesday Book to the Romans, Henry VIII & two World Wars - the maritime story including Nelson & Cook - is extraordinary.

Nowadays that fishing heritage remains with a top fishmongers on the High Street.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

As I was pootling about I couldn't pass by this oasis without bagging some peeled prawns & King ones as well. I had a prawn cocktail in mind as our starter for the evening last made at New Year:

When the friend & I reconvened for a glass here: - she noticed my bag of shellfish delights.

Friend: "What have you bought?" ..

Me: "Big & small prawns, are you in the mood for prawn cocktails with homemade mayo?" ..

Friend: "Yes .. I've got eggs, oil, ketchup, lemons etc .." ..

Me: "Brown bread & butter?" ..

Friend nods & we're good to go.

Happiness for me is being amongst friends in a kitchen, prepping, stirring, whisking, chatting with a glass of something nice.

Then sitting down (with napkins,) clinking glasses & eating good food.

Life in Deal is good.


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