A Great Deal

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There's something about the British seaside that I love in the winter time. This time I'm in Deal.

There's a big moody sky. A surprisingly calm looking sea. A shingle beach to test your feet & calves to the max.

Oh & your best friend is trying to persuade you to take an early morning dip in the English Channel.

In January.

I politely declined but she went in with her chums, as usual, & swam for a good twenty minutes. I had a nice stroll & if the weather had been a little clearer I might have glanced upon the French coast.

A little later once the pal had warmed up, showered, enjoyed a slice of toast & a mug of tea, we headed to the pier to enjoy a glass or two of local bubbles which we had bought. The plan was to enjoy the vista & in a well sheltered spot away from the wind pre-lunch.

We wore many layers. Many layers. There were hats, scarves & gloves. Friend also insisted that we take a blanket. 

Once seated on a pier bench ..

Friend: "We look like little old ladies .."

Me: "Give me more of the blanket please .."

On a really clear day you can see France in the distance & your mobile will switch to a French network. The last time I was in that beautiful country was pre-pandemic & I visited Lyon. I should make plans to return there very soon. 

Anyway, back to Deal & after fizz on the pier it was time to face the sharp wind & head here for lunch: https://81beachstreet.co.uk

This wonderfully, cosy establishment delivered one of the finest roast beef lunches I've had in a long time. 

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Beautiful medium rare sirloin, the crispiest roast potatoes, Yorkshire, (a given), sage & onion stuffing, creamy carrot & ginger purée, turmeric cauliflower in Stilton sauce, honey roasted parsnips & buttered peas.


Plus a big jug of gravy on the table to top yourself up. 

It's rare that I clear my plate but, on this occasion, it was all I could to stop myself licking it clean.


You bet.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Butterscotch Parfait with crushed honeycomb & toffee sauce.

Friend plumped for the Peanut Butter Chocolate Pot with shortbread.

We had a glorious day & it was with a heavy heart (& tum) that I parked myself on a train back to London Town.


Don't Try This At Home

Don't Try This At Home

Do Me A Fava

Do Me A Fava