Peas Please Me

Peas Please Me

Sometimes something really simple can be really satisfying.

Cruising the shelves in the supermarkets, I noticed that peas in oil was big. And they are clearly given a starring role in a meal rather than pitching the best supporting vegetable angle I’m used to.

Which is sad, because I really like peas.

Yes, I know this probably makes me really boring.

But - heat up some olive oil in a pan, soften some chopped onion, stir in some garlic. After a couple of minutes add some frozen peas, along with a couple of tablespoons of chicken or veg stock. Cover and cook till the peas are tender. Squeeze over a little lemon juice before serving.

I think Corfu was channelling its Venetian heritage here as this seems quit a common recipe in Italy.

But … it matters not. I managed to get through an entire bowl of this, watching TV the other night.

History note: Peas originated from the eastern Mediterranean and have been consumed for millennia, though mainly as dried and soaked and cooked. The craze for Green Garden Peas didn’t come along till the 18th century.

Though marrowfat peas as a variety also date from about the same time, mushy peas - aka Yorkshire Caviar - didn’t appear regularly till the 1970s.

Not a lot of people know that.

You can wake up now.


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